There are moments in life where you face a definitive ending of one chapter and a beginning of something new. Sometimes these moments occur, and you don’t realize what they are until later, when viewed in retrospect or reflection. But sometimes, you know these moments when they arrive, and you may even have deliberately caused [more…]
How to Widgetize your Category Archive page
With many of the newest child themes for the Genesis Framework released on StudioPress, there is a home page that is set up to be run by widgets inside of sidebar areas that are specific to the homepage only. This makes it easy for “non-technical” people using those themes to determine exactly what gets displayed [more…]
My (hello) world
WordPress likes to start off new blogs with just a simple post that says “Hello World!” It’s a cool thing, better than starting from nothing, but when you see it all the time with lots of WordPress installs, you tend to get tired of seeing it over and over again…. or at least I do. [more…]